Hearing & Vision Acuity

Children’s vision care should begin at birth and continue throughout childhood and adolescence. Without professional vision screenings, children can grow up with a distorted vision that eventually causes complications during the school years. According to the American Optometric Association, undiagnosed and untreated vision problems can worsen in children because the brain learns to accommodate the distortion over time. Furthermore, untreated vision discrepancies can lead to academic, athletic and social handicaps that hold kids back from their ultimate potential.
Did you know…
that an estimated one in every four children is suffering from some kind of vision problem? Often these problems go undetected throughout childhood and even into the teenage years. In fact, as many as 11 percent of U.S. teens have vision problems that have not been professionally diagnosed.
Lead & CBC Screening
Screening tests in children are very important.
A CBC is a lab test that is done as part of a routine wellchild exam. The levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can provide doctors with information about possible problems like anemia, infections, inflammation, and other conditions.
Lead testing for children is mandated by The Massachusetts Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulation (Lead Law) and they require that all children need to be screened for lead poisoning multiple times through the age of three. A child must be screened once between the ages of 9-12 months, again at age 2, and again at age 3. Children must be screened once more at age 4. Every child must have a lead screening test before they can enter daycare, Kindergarten, or preschool.
Well-Child Visits Schedule
- 2 years old (24 months)
- 2 ½ years old (30 months)
- 3 years old
- 4 years old
- 5 years old
- 6 years old
- 7 years old
- 8 years old
- 9 years old
- 10 years old
- 11 years old
- 12 years old
- 13 years old
- 14 years old
- 15 years old
- 16 years old
- 17 years old
- 18 years old
- 20 years old
- 21 years old
Sports Physical
Sports physicals are preventative screenings routinely used to verify a patient’s physical health and ability to safely participate in athletic activity. Most schools and many sports leagues require sports physicals as a prerequisite for participation each season. At our office, we recommend sports physicals not only for athletes but also for anyone beginning a new exercise routine or training program. A sports physical can detect underlying health conditions that have the potential to interrupt participation in a sport or cause a future injury.
A sports physical will examine your overall fitness and risk for health complications or injury. This includes a thorough review of your personal healthy history and an evaluation of your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health. We will analyze your height, weight, flexibility, strength and reflexes, as well as listen to your heart and lungs.
Flu Clinic
Available: September – March
Vision Screen
- Stereopsis
- Ishihara
- GoCheck Kids Photo Screener